Tv Shows

Diminished TV Characters Segment

Characters are very important to a good story. They should propel the story forward, be engaging, even if we hate them, strong and interesting. If they’re not then what exactly are we rooting for?
This segment features characters on shows I watch(ed) where my favorite characters were downplayed/diminished. They may have started out as a leading character and still marketed as such but were pushed to the background for others. I found these characters more interesting than the intended lead(s) but they were treated wrongly for the remainder of the show.
I’m only going to do three for now, because these are the ones I remember and that have stuck with me ever since the shows concluded or as I continue to watch them. I’m going to try to keep from rehashing storylines and just explain why I think this way and perhaps give examples that prove why I think this way.
If you have watched these shows and agree with me, I’d love to hear your comments. Once I highlight a character, please feel free to comment, like and I hope you follow this blog as I continue to expand it.


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